24.06.2024, 14:42 18681

Organised a seminar on anti-corruption policy for the Ministry's subordinate organisations

At the site of JSC "NC "QazExpoCongress" jointly with the Anti-Corruption Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan held a seminar on "Anti-corruption policy", press service of the Ministry of Trade and Integration reports.

The event was attended by employees of the national company "QazExpoCongress" and RSE "KazStandard".

During the training, Asan Aidarkhanov, officer of the Prevention Service of the Anti-Corruption Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan, familiarised the attendees with the main anti-corruption reforms, anti-corruption measures, as well as the work of anti-corruption compliance services of quasi-public sector entities.

Structural units or a responsible person performing the functions of anti-corruption compliance services are determined in quasi-public sector entities. Their main task is to ensure compliance of the organisation and its employees with the anti-corruption legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The Institute of anti-corruption compliance has been operating in the country since 2020", - Asan Aidarkhanov explained during the seminar.

According to Aziza Nurpeisova, ethics commissioner, the ministry regularly conducts explanatory and training activities. Since the beginning of this year, employees of the central office, territorial departments and subordinate organisations have been trained.

At the end of the seminar, compliance officers of the companies were able to ask questions and express their opinion on the compliance service's activities.

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