20.03.2025, 18:56 6936

Recommendations Received by Kazakhstan within the Framework of the UPR Procedure were Discussed at Foreign Ministry

A regular meeting of the subcommittee of the Consultative and Advisory Body "Human Dimension Dialogue Platform" (hereinafter - CAB "HDDP") was held at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The meeting focused on reviewing the recommendations received following the presentation of Kazakhstan’s Fourth Periodic National Report within the framework of the Universal Periodic Review (hereinafter - UPR), press service of the Kazakh MFA reports.

During the meeting of the CAB "HDDP," co-chaired by the Ambassador-at-Large of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan, Alua Nadirkulova, and the Vice Minister of Justice of Kazakhstan, Botagoz Zhakselekova, the 294 recommendations received were presented, of which 56 were introduced for the first time by the member states of the UN Human Rights Council. These recommendations include continuing efforts to combat domestic violence, torture, ensuring inclusivity, strengthening human rights institutions and the National Preventive Mechanism, social protection of the population, especially the most vulnerable groups.

To implement the supported recommendations, it is planned to adopt an Interagency Plan for a four-year period, which will allow tracking the progress of the implementation of the adopted commitments and ensure their execution.

The participants agreed to structure the UPR recommendations in the following areas: ratification of international conventions and agreements; strengthening human rights mechanisms and cooperation with the UN; combating torture and ill-treatment; combating gender-based violence and protecting women; children’s rights; freedom of speech, media, and civil society; rights of LGBTI+ community and combating discrimination; rights of migrants, refugees, and stateless persons; economic, social, and cultural rights; access to education and healthcare; environmental protection and sustainable development; rights of persons with disabilities; combating corruption and judicial reform; rights of ethnic and religious minorities.

Overall, the agenda items were discussed in a constructive and open format. Representatives of state bodies and NGOs had the opportunity for direct exchange of views on further improving human rights protection mechanisms.

The UN Human Rights Council will approve the UPR Working Group report on Kazakhstan with recommendations from UN member states during its 59th session in June 2025.

For reference: On January 23, 2025, during the 48th session of the UPR Working Group of the UN Human Rights Council, Kazakhstan presented its report on the implementation of human rights commitments and recommendations from the previous review. The review was attended by delegations from over 100 states, which expressed their comprehensive support for the measures taken to implement democratic reforms and welcomed the adoption of concrete steps to strengthen fundamental human rights and freedoms in Kazakhstan.

The CAB "HDDP" was established in 2013 at the initiative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan. The platform serves as an effective tool for promoting dialogue between the government and the civil sector. Various current issues of human rights protection are discussed at the platform with the participation of representatives of international organizations and diplomatic corps (UNDP, OHCHR, OSCE, and others) as observers.

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