16.11.2022, 19:35 33671

Kazakh Embassy holds meeting with Kazakhstani students studying at British universities

Ambassador of Kazakhstan to the UK Magzhan Ilyasov and diplomats of the Embassy had a meeting with holders of the Bolashak scholarship program who study at higher educational institutions in the UK.
Kazakh Embassy holds meeting with Kazakhstani students studying at British universities
Images | gov.kz
Ambassador of Kazakhstan to the UK Magzhan Ilyasov and diplomats of the Embassy had a meeting with holders of the Bolashak scholarship program who study at higher educational institutions in the UK.
During the meeting, Kazakh youth were informed about the current events of the international agenda and the current state of bilateral relations between Kazakhstan and Great Britain, the Embassy’s official website reads.
Furthermore, issues related to the upcoming presidential elections in Kazakhstan and important aspects of educational cooperation between the countries were discussed.
Kazakh diplomats took an interest in the students' issues, listened to their proposals and answered their questions.
The students, in turn, thanked for the meeting and announced their intention to create an association of masters and doctoral students studying in the UK. The initiative group includes students from King's College London, University of Exeter, University of Leicester.
The main goal of creating the association is the need to have a platform where Bolashak scholarship holders could promptly find answers to their questions. Also, this association intends to promote the cultural characteristics and values of Kazakhstan in the UK.
At the end of the meeting, the students expressed their hope for further joint work with the Embassy in holding various cultural events.
Source: kazinform 

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