18.11.2022, 17:16 1186

Over 170 CIS observers to monitor presidential elections in Kazakhstan

Over 170 CIS observers to monitor presidential elections in Kazakhstan
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174 observers from eight CIS countries are to monitor the presidential elections in Kazakhstan, CIS Election Observation Mission head Sergei Lebedev said, Kazinform correspondent reports.
CIS Election Observation Mission began its work on September 27 and includes 174 observes from eight CIS countries to monitor the 2022 Kazakh presidential elections. They include parliamentarians, heads of CIS CECs, public figures, CIS Executive Committee and CIS PA officials.
Of those, 10 are long-term observers who already visited all regions of the country to meet with officials of state bodies responsible for the preparation and holding of the elections. They also visited the interior ministry, foreign ministry, General Prosecutor’s Office, and work closely with the CEC of Kazakhstan.
Notably, Kazakhstan is to hold early presidential elections on November 20.

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