25.07.2024, 20:31 40821

SCO Prosecutor Generals sign protocol of cooperation in Bishkek

Kazakh Prosecutor General Berik Assylov took part in the 22nd meeting of the SCO Prosecutor Generals held in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, Kazinform News Agency cites the press service of the Kazakh General Prosecutor's Office.

Attending the meeting were the Prosecutor Generals of Belarus, India, Iran, China, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, Russia, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan.

During the event, the participants discussed the key aspects and priorities in the fight against crime, exchanged experiences and agreed to create necessary conditions to increase the efficiency of international cooperation in terms of development of modern information technologies, personal data protection and combating cybercrime.

The head of the Kazakh supreme supervisory authority shared experiences in using digital technology in priority crimes as well as the activity on investment attraction and protection.

Assylov stressed that the Kazakh President drew special attention to greater mutual trust and cooperation in the security field within the SCO initiative ‘On world unity for a just peace, accord and development’ and called on the SCO General Prosecutor’s Offices to adopt corresponding steps to implement it.

Following the meeting, the Protocol setting out the main areas of further cooperation of the prosecutors' offices of the SCO member states was signed.

In addition, the Kazakh Prosecutor General held bilateral meetings with his Chinese, Kyrgyz and Russian counterparts, discussing further joint steps to protect the rights of citizens, ensure law and order.

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