22.07.2009, 10:44 12797

Asian Games objects to be constructed on time

Asian Games objects to be constructed on time

Almaty. July 22. Kazakhstan Today - The authorities of Almaty informed that the objects of the Asian Games 2011 will be constructed on time and with high quality, the agency reports.

"The works are under control. The construction objects will be commissioned on time. There are no doubts about that," akim of Almaty, Ahmetzhan Esimov, said in the interview to journalists.

"Three objects - the Palace of Sports named after Baluan Sholak, the International Ski Complex, and mountainous Sports Complex Medeo will be finished on time, within the terms we promised the President," he underlined.

"As for Shymbulak, one of these days, Samruk-Kazyna and Development Bank of Kazakhstan have allocated $100 million to the investor. The investor started the works. I have no doubts that it will be prepared for the Asian Games on time," A. Esimov informed.

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