15.08.2022, 15:36 22841

Rhythmic gymnast Taniyeva adds gold to Kazakhstan’s medal tally at Islamic Solidarity Games

Taniyeva captured gold in the ball exercise and was third in the ribbon and hoop exercises.
Rhythmic gymnast Taniyeva adds gold to Kazakhstan’s medal tally at Islamic Solidarity Games
Images | olympic.kz
Kazakhstani rhythmic gymnast Elzhana Taniyeva won gold at the 2022 Islamic Solidarity Games in Turkiye, Kazinform has learned from Olympic.kz.
Taniyeva captured gold in the ball exercise and was third in the ribbon and hoop exercises.
Taniyeva and another Kazakhstani gymnast Aibota Yertaikyzy won bronze in the team all-round competition.
Earlier Kazinform reported that two Kazakhstani swimmers Adilbek Mussin Sofiya Abubakirova swam to gold at the 2022 Islamic Solidarity Games in Konya, Turkiye, today.
 This information may not be reproduced without reference to Kazakhstan Today. Copyright of materials of News Agency Kazakhstan Today.
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