21.06.2024, 10:02 18581

18 people hospitalized after gale winds in Moscow

At least 18 people, including four children, have been hospitalized in Moscow due to injuries sustained when severe gale winds hit the Russian capital on Thursday, TASS reported citing the press service of Moscow’s healthcare department.

As a result of unfavorable weather conditions, 18 people were admitted to the city’s hospitals. Three of them are in serious condition, but their wounds are not life-threatening. Four children are among the patients, their condition is said to be satisfactory," the department said in a statement.

The patients are receiving all the required medical care, the statement says.

Heavy rains brought on by a cold front swept through Moscow on Thursday, accompanied by occasional thunderstorms, hale and winds of up to 25 meters per second. More than 700 trees were knocked down, damaging some 300 vehicles. Two people were killed.

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