24.07.2024, 13:26 44281

Ferry with over 100 passengers went adrift in waters south of Tokyo

Ferry with over 100 passengers went adrift in waters south of Tokyo
Images | Kyodo
A high-speed jet ferry carrying more than 100 passengers lost control of its rudder in waters south of Tokyo and is being towed to a nearby island port, the Japan Coast Guard said Wednesday, Kyodo reports.

The 280-ton jetfoil vessel operated by Tokai Kisen Co. reported at around 10 a.m. that it had "lost control of steering due to an oil leak." There have been no reports of injuries among the 116 passengers and five crew members.

The ship, named "Seven Islands Ai," had left Tokyo Bay and was headed to Shikine Island of the Izu island chain. It was adrift about 17 kilometers southwest of Nojimasaki Lighthouse, a historic landmark on the southern tip of the Boso Peninsula in Chiba Prefecture, the coast guard said.

Jetfoils are a type of hydrofoil vessel, operated by Tokai Kisen as high-speed ferries capable of reaching a top speed of 80 km per hour, according to the company's website.

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