06.06.2024, 12:37 71226

Two trams crash in Siberia’s Kemerovo, dozens injured

A total of 67 people were injured when two trams collided in the southwestern Siberian city of Kemerovo, Acting Governor Ilya Seredyuk wrote on Telegram, TASS reports.

According to information from the Kuzbass Disaster Medicine Center, a total of 67 people have been injured as of 10:40 a.m. local time (3:40 a.m. GMT). Two of them are in intensive care, one is on the operating table. Doctors are fighting for their lives," he wrote. "Ten people are receiving out-patient treatment."

Earlier, City Mayor Dmitry Anisimov said a total of 40 people were taken to hospital after the accident. Another 10 sought medical assistance on their own.

Initial reports said around 30 people were injured in the accident, which occurred at around 7:30 a.m. (local time, 12.30 a.m. GMT), the press service of the regional office of the Russian Investigative Committee said in a statement. A criminal investigation was launched on charges of rendering services that do not meet safety standards.

The city’s electric transport company said no fire or deaths were reported as a result of the incident. The two trams were moving in the same direction at the time of the accident.

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