16.10.2023, 16:27 79621

98.2 thousand units of motor vehicles were registered in August

In August 2023, 98.2 thousand units of motor vehicles were registered 1), compared to the corresponding period of the previous year, the indicator increased by 1.3%, including buses -2 times and trucks 2.1 times, at the same time, the number of passenger cars decreased by 6.3%.

Thus, as of September 1, 2023, the number of registered vehicles in Kazakhstan amounted to 5085.4 thousand units, of which 87.9% were passenger cars, 10% were trucks and 2.1% were buses.

Also, as of September 1, 2023, there are 4249.4 thousand units of passenger cars owned by individual owners in the republic. In comparison with the corresponding period of 2022, the number of passenger cars owned by individual owners increased by 17%.

The largest share of passenger cars is accounted for by individual owners of the Almaty region (500.9 thousand units), the cities of Almaty (500.1 thousand units) and Astana (311 thousand units).

According to the provision of the population with passenger cars in personal ownership, there are almost 23 units per 100 people. By region, residents of the East Kazakhstan region have the most passenger cars 41 cars per 100 people, Almaty region -34 cars, Karaganda region - 27 cars.

For 8 months of 2023, 8253 road accidents were registered, in which 11916 people were injured. In comparison with the corresponding period of 2022, the injured rate decreased by 14.1%.2)

As of September 1, 2023, 72005 insurance payments in the amount of 40 million tenge were made by insurance organizations for compulsory insurance of civil liability of vehicle owners.3)


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