09.08.2023, 16:32 44931

A new mechanism for financing cooperation will be launched in the EAEU

On May 25, 2023, in Moscow, during a meeting of the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council, the Heads of the EAEU Member States agreed on a new mechanism for financial assistance to cooperative industrial projects in the EAEU, press service of the Ministry of Trade and Integration reports.

To this end, the presidents of the "Eurasian Five" signed the Protocol on Amendments to the Treaty on the EAEU.

Financial assistance to cooperation projects will be carried out by subsidizing the interest rate on credits and loans issued by international and national financial organizations (the list of financial organizations will be determined by the EEC Council).

To provide financial assistance, the EAEU budget will annually provide funds in the amount of 10 percent of the total amount of revenues to the budgets of the member states from special, anti-dumping and countervailing duties. According to experts, the annual amount will be about 20 million USD per year. This will support projects worth about 189 - 200 million USD per year.

Now the experts of the parties are agreeing on general criteria for selecting joint cooperation projects, on requirements for borrowers, international and national credit organizations, on the procedure for submitting, reviewing and approving applications, etc.

In addition, the heads of government of the EAEU member states will determine the list of industries that can participate in the financial assistance program.

In general, the new mechanism for financing cooperation will contribute to the further development of industrial cooperation within the EAEU and the introduction of new high-tech industries.

The new support conditions will allow domestic enterprises to implement significant strategic projects, increase the output of jointly produced products and ensure the creation of additional jobs, which in general will have a positive impact on the development of Kazakhstan's industry and the economy as a whole.

The new financing format is planned to be launched in 2024, it will be valid for 5 years with the possibility of further extension.

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