03.08.2023, 18:19 118876

Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan and Afghanistan signed contracts for 190.8 million dollars

Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan and Afghanistan signed contracts for 190.8 million dollars
Images | Ministry of Trade and Integration
Export contracts totaling about $190.8 million were signed on the sidelines of the Kazakh-Afghan business forum in Astana, press service of the Ministry of Trade and Integration reports.

In total, 15 contracts were signed for the supply of agricultural products, flour and vegetable oil, as well as a Memorandum of cooperation between the National Association of Oilseed Processors (Kazakhstan) and the Balkh Union of Oil Dealers (Afghanistan).

Ministry of Trade and Integration

Afghanistan is one of the five largest importers of Kazakh vegetable oil, which is confirmed by the agreements reached at the forum. Of the total number of signed contracts, 9 are for the supply of oil.

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