18.07.2023, 20:14 68326

Inflation grows 0.5% in June in Kazakhstan

Inflation grows 0.5% in June in Kazakhstan
The inflation rate grew 0.5% in June in Kazakhstan, Kazinform cites the National Bank of Kazakhstan.

According to the Bank, in June annual inflation dropped to 14.6% in the country. The slowdown in annual inflation was reported in all 20 regions of Kazakhstan. The highest annual inflation rate was reported in North Kazakhstan, Almaty, Ulytau regions and Astana city.

Food prices slowed down to 14.6% in June on year-on-year terms. Mangistau region reported the highest growth in food prices - 17.2%, and Almaty city the lowest - 12.7%.

Growth in prices for non-food products dropped to 15.8% year-on-year, with Astana city reporting the highest growth in non-food prices - 21.5%, and Almaty region the lowest - 12.4%.

Prices for paid services slowed down to 13.3% year-on-year, with Ulytau region reporting a 17.3% growth in paid services prices, and Abai region a 10.7% increase.

The monthly inflation rate grew 0.5% in June 2023 in the country.

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