20.06.2024, 13:58 51956

Kazakhstan, China expand road transportations

Kazakhstan, China expand road transportations
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The Senate of the Kazakh Parliament has ratified the Agreement between the governments of Kazakhstan and China on international road transportations, Kazinform News Agency reports.

 "China is one of the key trade partners of Kazakhstan," senator Andrey Lukin said presenting the document.

In recent years, we have observed a stable tendency of growth of road transportations between the two countries. In 2023, the volume of goods transported by road made 1.8 million tons, which is two times higher against 2022 (708,000 tons)," the senator said.

Given the significant dynamics of development of the bilateral relations, the governments of Kazakhstan and China entered into the agreement on international road transportations in May 2023, in Xi’an, as part of the Kazakh President’s visit to China.

According to Lukin, the document aims at creating favorable conditions for road transportations between the two countries.

The agreement regulates passenger and cargo transportations, requirements to drivers, as well as issues related to insurance, taxation and control at checkpoints.

The Agreement also regulates the norms of implementation of IT and improvement of the conditions for transportations, providing for the possibility of the passage of the carriers deep into the territories of Kazakhstan and China. Domestic carriers will be able to reach major cargo-generating cities and international seaports of China," Andrey Lukin said.

At the same time, under the Agreement, the bilateral and transit transportation of goods and transportations to third countries will be carried out on a quota-based permit system.

This will let regulate equal participation of the two countries’ carriers in road transportations.

According to the senator, Chinese carriers will be able to transport cargo through the territory of Kazakhstan to the countries of Europe and Asia, which, in turn, will increase Kazakhstan's transit potential.

This information may not be reproduced without reference to Kazakhstan Today. Copyright of materials of News Agency Kazakhstan Today.

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