01.08.2023, 13:48 120091

Kazakhstan plans to increase engineering exports by almost 3 times

Kazakhstan plans to increase engineering exports by almost 3 times
Images | Akorda
Head of the Government also touched upon agricultural machine building. According to him, at the moment the depreciation of the country's agricultural machinery fleet is about 76%. Last year domestic enterprises produced over 15 thousand units of agricultural machinery. However, this is not enough, primeminister.kz reports.

Agrarians need new equipment! Therefore, the pace of production must be increased. For this purpose we have all the necessary tools and opportunities," Prime Minister said.

At the same time, the importance of industrial cooperation development was emphasized. Today, joint ventures with such major world leaders of machine building as General Motors, Alstom, General Electric, Daewoo Bus, Hyundai, etc. are successfully operating in the republic.

A striking example of industrial cooperation is the plant for the production of vehicles and buses in Sarani, Karaganda Region, which was launched in 2020. Its capacity is 1,200 vehicles per year. 11.9 billion tenge has been invested in the enterprise, and about 1,000 people will work at its site once it reaches full capacity.

This work should be continued," Alikhan Smailov emphasized.

He reminded that for the further development of the machine-building industry on the instructions of the Head of State the corresponding five-year Comprehensive Plan is being developed. Its implementation will make it possible to increase production in the sphere of mechanical engineering more than 2 times, increase exports almost 3 times, investments in fixed assets 1.5 times, as well as to double labor productivity.

Thanks to the support of the state, domestic enterprises will be able to contribute to the socio-economic development of the country by creating permanent jobs, opening new and modernizing existing production facilities," Prime Minister said.

In conclusion, Head of the Government instructed to coordinate the Comprehensive Plan for the development of mechanical engineering as soon as possible, to increase the efficiency of the International Center for Oil and Gas Engineering, as well as to work out the issue of reducing the rate of investment subsidies from 25% to 15% for imported agricultural machinery, the analogues of which are produced in Kazakhstan.

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