02.07.2024, 21:35 16751

Kazakhstan will have one of the largest e-commerce distribution centres in Central Asia

At the meeting of the Minister of Trade and Integration Arman Shakkaliev with the Chairman of the Board and founder of YTO Express Co. Yu Weijia discussed the construction of one of the largest e-commerce distribution centres in Central Asia. This centre will ensure prompt processing of goods and their delivery to the EU, EAEU and Central Asian countries, press service of the Ministry of Trade and Integration reports.

The introduction of intelligent IT solutions will allow to fully automate logistics processes and provide customs support for deliveries. During the meeting, the parties considered the prospects for mutually beneficial co-operation in e-commerce and related industries.

Arman Shakkaliev noted that the e-commerce market in Kazakhstan is developing rapidly, demonstrating an annual growth rate of more than 20%.

China's e-commerce market is astonishing in terms of volume, where more than 70 per cent of sales are made online. Kazakhstan, with its favourable geographical location, aims to become a key transit zone for international e-commerce. The joint project with Kazpost to establish a distribution centre in Kazakhstan will give a new impetus to the development of cross-border trade", - said the Minister of Trade of Kazakhstan.

Yu Weijia, Chairman of the Board of YTO Express Co. Yu Weijia emphasised that this project is unique in Central Asia and will cover the whole region. To expand global logistics hubs, the company also plans to build 5 more distribution centres in other countries.

Last year we started to actively co-operate with the Almaty Akimat. This is a long-term project that will strengthen mutually beneficial and productive co-operation between the two countries. For the basis of co-operation, we opened 3 bonded warehouses in China: in Shanghai, Nanjing and Wuhan. This project is the only one in Central Asia that will cover the whole region. In addition to this distribution centre, we plan to build 5 more centres in the USA, Brazil, Thailand, Budapest and Dubai", - Yu Weijia said.

The Chinese side intends to implement the project in the short term. Arman Shakkaliev confirmed the readiness of Kazakhstan to continue active work. Following the meeting, the parties agreed to sign a plan of joint action.

This project will be an important step towards strengthening economic ties and developing international online trade in the region.

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