01.07.2024, 19:48 7081

EAEU is creating conditions for the development of a common agricultural market

Today the EAEU countries are working on the ratification of the Agreement on Warehouse Certificates for Agricultural Products, press service of the Ministry of Trade and Integration reports.

In Kazakhstan, this document is under consideration by the Majilis of the Parliament of Kazakhstan.

The agreement creates conditions for agricultural producers from Kazakhstan to obtain a loan secured by a warehouse certificate in the EAEU countries, as well as through the realisation of warehouse certificates to sell their products remotely.

Kazakhstani businesses will also have access to information on the existing warehousing infrastructure in the EAEU countries, including information on the name, type, capacity, storage volume and location of the warehouse.

It is important to note that de facto, of all EAEU member states, only Kazakhstan (grain receipts) has such circulation of warehouse certificates.

Thus, in Kazakhstan, a clear system of guaranteeing the fulfilment of obligations under issued warehouse certificates for agricultural products - grain receipts for grain - has been established at the legislative level, taking into account the long-term experience of circulation of warehouse certificates for agricultural products.

Accordingly, today the Kazakh side proposes the EAEU countries to take as a basis the experience of Kazakhstan in this area when developing requirements for the system of ensuring the fulfilment of obligations under warehouse certificates for agricultural products.

This measure will ensure mutual recognition and sustainable circulation of warehouse certificates within the EAEU, as well as the availability of financial resources for their holders.

It should be recalled that the provisions of the Agreement will be in force from 1 January 2026. Until then, the EAEU countries need to adopt the necessary national legal acts and develop the practice of circulation of warehouse certificates.

In general, the implementation of the Agreement will promote the promotion of Kazakh products to the markets of the EAEU partner countries, therefore, will have a positive impact on the development of agriculture in Kazakhstan.

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