31.07.2023, 15:58 92196

Mechanisms of state support for business to be improved in Kazakhstan

Mechanisms of state support for business to be improved in Kazakhstan
Images | primeminister.kz
Prime Minister of Kazakhstan Alikhan Smailov held a meeting on improving the effectiveness of mechanisms of state support for domestic producers, primeminister.kz reports.

The participants considered new approaches to confirming the Kazakhstan origin of goods. Thus, it is proposed to form and maintain a single register of domestically produced goods, suppliers of which will be able to qualify for various measures of state support. It will be possible to get into the register once confirming the availability of appropriate production and technological conditions: availability of design documentation, production areas, equipment, qualified personnel, etc.

It is expected that this approach will eliminate the issuance of paid certificates of confirmation of origin, as well as the conditions for obtaining state support measures for manufacturers of imported goods. In parallel, due to automation and digitalization of a number of processes, the burden on domestic companies exporting their products to other countries may be reduced.

In general, improving the effectiveness of establishing the Kazakh origin of goods will make it possible to focus state support measures on bona fide domestic producers, stimulate the development of localization, modernization and expansion of production capacity within the country, increase the transparency of pricing for various goods, etc.

Prime Minister emphasized that the development of the new system should be continued in close cooperation with Atameken NCE and industry associations.

It is necessary to ensure integration of the register with the databases of government agencies, so that businesses do not need to confirm their presence in it with additional statements. In general, the register is designed to become a single point of reliable information on the origin of goods and should work in the interests of conscientious busines," Alikhan Smailov said.


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