20.07.2023, 13:05 63706

New business projects financing in manufacturing industry discussed by Government

New business projects financing in manufacturing industry discussed by Government
Images | primeminister.kz
A meeting of the State Commission on Modernization of the Economy was held in the Government under the chairmanship of Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan Alikhan Smailov, primeminister.kz reports.

The participants considered the issues of financing projects of small and medium-sized enterprises in the manufacturing industry, development of transport infrastructure of the republic, as well as the implementation of the Comprehensive Privatization Plan for 2021-2025.

In addition, they discussed measures for further development of the telecommunications and energy industries.

The meeting was attended by the heads of the central government agencies, Samruk-Kazyna Fund, Baiterek Holding, Kazakhstan Temir Zholy and QazaqGaz national companies, representatives of the National Bank and others.

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