06.09.2023, 20:47 71191

Kazakh Head of State receives Qazaqstan Khalkyna Fund Chairman Bolat Zhamish

Kazakh Head of State receives Qazaqstan Khalkyna Fund Chairman Bolat Zhamish
Images | Akorda
The Qazaqstan Khalkyna Fund has established a sustainable charity model at the national scale since January 2022, Chairman Bolat Zhamishev said during the meeting, Kazinform cites Akorda.

According to Zhamishev, the Fund run on the principles of transparency, accountability, legitimacy, and sustainability makes a huge contribution to the development of the ecosystem of charity in the country.

He went on to note that up to 40 charitable programs and projects worth KZT146.5 aimed at addressing key issues of Kazakhstanis in the areas as healthcare, education, social security, culture and sport are financed by the Fund.

The Fund’s work also envisages assistance to those suffered during emergencies. 36 names of pharmaceuticals to the tune of KZT24.9bn as well as seven medical devices have been purchased.

The Fund has contributed to the creation of a system of pivotal schools (80 schools), competence centers aimed at increasing the education level in rural areas, especially in small schools.

Nationwide, over 2,200 students have received grants and scholarships of the Qazaqstan Khalkyna Fund.

So far, there have been opened 24 sports halls for rural youth, four early intervention centers, and four centers for children with autism and other mental disorders.

On August 15, the 2nd Conference of National Charity ‘The Fund for the Regions’ holding roundtables in all the regions of the country to discuss initiatives and defining projects taking into account of the needs and features of reach region kicked off. The proposals developed are to serve as a basis for the Fund’s activity in 2024.

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