28.08.2024, 19:06 41016

Kazakh Supreme Audit Chamber chairman presents public audit system reform package

Kazakh Supreme Audit Chamber chairman presents public audit system reform package
Images | Akorda
Kazakh President received chairman of the Supreme Audit Chamber Alikhan Smailov to report on the results of the Chamber’s activities in the second quarter of 2024, Kazinform News Agency learnt from the Akorda press service.

The audit of over 2.9 trillion tenge at 73 facilities detected audit exceptions for more than 39 billion tenge. The audit was conducted in transport sector, budgets of Abai, Zhetysu, Ulytau and Almaty regions.

Smailov also presented a public audit system reform package to the President.

He also briefed on the audits to be held in the second half of the year at Nazarbayev University, KazMunayGas, court system, etc.

The Head of State tasked to strictly monitor application of budgetary funds and state assets and stressed the need to further raise the efficiency of the public audit system at large.

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