29.08.2023, 10:04 18201

School security and fight against Internet fraud: Alikhan Smailov familiarizes himself with police digitalization process

School security and fight against Internet fraud: Alikhan Smailov familiarizes himself with police digitalization process
Images | primeminister.kz
The Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan Alikhan Smailov visited the Ministry of Internal Affairs, where he familiarized himself with the use of modern technologies for crime prevention and detection, the progress of digitalization of police work in general and measures to ensure the safety of schools on the threshold of the new school year, primeminister.kz reports.

Head of the department Marat Akhmetzhanov noted that the wide use of modern technologies in everyday police work is one of the main tasks set by the Head of State before the internal affairs bodies.

Thus, to date, the Ministry of Internal Affairs is introducing video surveillance on the principle of "carpeting" on the streets and public places in the cities of the republic. Since the beginning of the year, 6 thousand crimes have been solved, 2.7 million traffic violations and 312 thousand other administrative offenses have been suppressed with the help of cameras installed in the operational control centers (OCC) of the police. On the whole, thanks to this, the crime rate across the country has dropped by 17% this year.

We have already been convinced many times that through digitalization it is possible to raise the level of efficiency of the work of the relevant public services. What we see: productivity is increasing dramatically, corruption is decreasing. The Ministry of Internal Affairs is not an exception, there are good results in various areas thanks to the introduction of digital technologies. We support this work. It should be carried out progressively in the regions and further," Alikhan Smailov said.

Prime Minister also familiarized in detail with the work to ensure safety in schools. In particular, he was shown the output of recordings from video cameras and signals from the alarm buttons installed in educational institutions to the Central Office and police duty stations. Currently, these measures cover 3,654 schools, with video surveillance in 7,600 educational institutions. Work on their connection continues.

At the same time, the offices of internal affairs bodies are also covered by video surveillance. A total of 18,000 cameras have been installed. They make it possible to monitor the behavior of both employees and other participants in the work process. Similar work is being carried out in penal institutions. Thus, 22,000 video cameras have been installed in 52 penal colonies. Images are displayed in the situation center of the penal correctional institutions and prosecutor's offices.

In addition, Head of the Government assessed the work of new video taps, purchased under the project "Digital policeman". The device broadcasts video in real time with output to the workplaces of managers and other inspectors. The program installed on the video tetons does not allow a police officer to delete video recordings, disable the device or hide his location.

Prime Minister was also told about the features of the "Korgau" system, which helps the police to detect violators of traffic rules. The program, analyzing data from street cameras, signals to the tablet of the nearest policeman about the approach of a dangerous driver. It can be both a persistent traffic violator and a motorist driving at high speed.

In addition, Alikhan Smailov familiarized himself with the implementation of measures to strengthen responsibility for violence in the domestic sphere, the results of work to provide public services in the field of migration and the CyberPol project to combat Internet fraud. In particular, the police, together with telecommunications operators, had put a technical barrier to calls from substitute numbers, thanks to which 36.5 million calls from fraudsters had already been blocked.

As for the fight against drug crime, this year law enforcement and special agencies seized more than 14 tons of drugs, including more than 71 kg of heroin and 652 kg of "synthetics". 4.7 million single doses worth 24 billion tenge were not allowed into circulation. Fifty-two drug laboratories were liquidated. In addition, 85 tons of precursors were seized, preventing the manufacture of 20 million single doses of synthetics. 2.5 thousand drug websites were blocked.

The results of automation of personnel processes, as well as topical issues of operational and service activities, protection of public order and prevention of offenses in general were also discussed.

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