01.07.2024, 14:34 6646

Bodies of Kazakh children killed in mudflow in Kyrgyzstan returned home

Bodies of Kazakh children killed in mudflow in Kyrgyzstan returned home
Images | gov.kz
The bodies of children swept away by mudslides in Kyrgyzstan were airlifted to Ust Kamenogorsk, Kazinform News Agency cites the East Kazakhstan akimat.

The devastating mudflows in Osh region killed two boys and two girls from Kazakhstan. Their bodies were repatriated home today by a special plane.

An emergency operations headquarters was set up in East Kazakhstan to help bereaved families cope with the tragedy.

Phycologists provide help and support for families who have lost their children.

As earlier reported, eight people, including four Kazakh children, were swept away by mudflows on June 28 in Nookat district, Osh region.

Mudslides damaged bridges, electric poles and roads. 1,400 people were trapped in Abshyr-Ata and Kezart recreation areas.

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