04.07.2024, 13:49 23761

President Tokayev sums up Kazakhstan’s SCO chairmanship results

President Tokayev sums up Kazakhstan’s SCO chairmanship results
Images | Akorda
Head of State Kassym-Jomart Tokayev summed up the results of Kazakhstan’s chairmanship in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. The President said that thanks to the support of all SCO participants, as many as 150 events of different levels, including digital, tourism, energy and business forums, as well as the SCO youth council meeting, were held in the year of Kazakhstan’s chairmanship in the SCO, Kazinform News Agency reports citing the Akorda press service.

According to him, 60 new documents including the anti-drug strategy, the plan on implementation of the economic cooperation strategy, environmental protection agreement and energy cooperation development strategy have been developed. The range of the Organization’s international partners has been expanded. The activity of the Special Working Group on Promoting Investment has revived its activity. The process of transition to payments in national currencies has gained a positive dynamics.

Due to all these measures, trade and economic cooperation in the SCO space develops dynamically," the Kazakh President said.

Cultural-humanitarian ties strengthening was also in the spotlight of Kazakhstan’s chairmanship in the SCO, he noted.

A number of anchor projects were launched which make the SCO format more attractive. Among them is the project "Spiritual Relics of the SCO States" and first international music festival "SCO Silk Way." 10 tourist destinations for implementation of joint projects were determined. Almaty became the cultural and tourist capital of the SCO," the Kazakh President said.

In general, as Kassym-Jomart Tokayev said, Kazakhstan fully implemented the goals and tasks stated at the previous summit. He also expressed his gratitude to all countries for the support and active participation in implementation of Kazakhstan's initiatives.

This information may not be reproduced without reference to Kazakhstan Today. Copyright of materials of News Agency Kazakhstan Today.

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