03.03.2025, 11:40 986

Kazakhstani airlines to add more flights amid holiday demand

Kazakhstani airlines to add more flights amid holiday demand
Kazakhstan’s airlines are to add 120 more domestic and international flights to their schedule to meet demand ahead of the Nauryz holiday from 16 to 30 March, 2025, Kazinform News Agency has learnt from the Civil Aviation Committee of Kazakhstan.

According to the Civil Aviation Committee, the country’s top air carrier Air Astana is set to increase the number of its domestic and international flights by 55.

The company is also to unveil new routes en route Almaty - Nha Trang, Astana - Nha Trang, Almaty - Guangzhou in March, Almaty-Mumbai in April, Atyrau-Tbilisi in May and Astana-Frankfurt in June, informed the Committee.

FlyArystan is to run 33 more flights and will launch flights from Karaganda to Istanbul twice a week starting on June 4 this year.

SCAT airlines is expanding its domestic network by an additional 32 flights as well as will add new flights from Shymkent to Cairo, Xi’an and Budapest in May.

Qazaq Air is set to commence biweekly flights en route Astana-Samarkand starting from May 1 this year as well as mulls increasing domestic flights amid holiday demand.

Earlier it was reported that the Lufthansa Group had announced that it would resume flights to Kazakhstan’s Astana and Almaty after a hiatus of around five weeks.

This information may not be reproduced without reference to Kazakhstan Today. Copyright of materials of News Agency Kazakhstan Today.

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