30.06.2023, 13:53 39726

KZT50bln additionally allocated for LRT construction in Astana

KZT50bln additionally allocated for LRT construction in Astana
Images | CCS
At today’s briefing, Mayor of Astana Zhenis Kassymbek shared his view on completion of construction of the Light Rail Transport in the city, Kazinform reports.

In his words, any city where the population approaches 2 million or exceeds 1.5 million people, needs a light rail transport - this is either an underground transport or an overground transport. He added, that by 2030, the population of Astana is predicted to reach 2 million people.

According to him, 50 billion tenge have been allocated this year for the construction of LRT, with 600 million US dollars already spent.

Last May, authorities reported that over 1 billion tenge had been allocated for the project. 580 million US dollars are additionally required now.

Basic construction works are planned to be finished within two years. Eight stations and five trains will be launched.

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