16.04.2024, 09:29 41506

Floods in Kazakhstan: National Guard assists with flood relief efforts

Floods in Kazakhstan: National Guard assists with flood relief efforts
Images | Kazakh National Guard's press service
Over 1,200 military more from the National Guard of Kazakhstan are deployed to assist with flood rescue in the country’s west and north, Kazinform News Agency reports.

The local population remains in danger amid devastating floods. Evacuation of people from flood-hit areas and rendering them necessary assistance are still priority tasks.

The risk of recurrent flooding is high in West Kazakhstan and Atyrau regions. The National Guard military help evacuate people from flood-stricken districts, build barriers with sandbags to stop water and reduce flood damage, deliver humanitarian aid to evacuation centers, and ensure law and order to prevent looting.

As of now more than 3,000 officers and sergeants, soldiers, and military students are deployed in flood relief operations countrywide. Since the flood outbreak, they evacuated 1,644 people to safer places, laid 462,000 bags full of inert materials, and delivered 110 tons of humanitarian assistance.

125 pieces of equipment of the National Guard were dispatched to battle floods.

This information may not be reproduced without reference to Kazakhstan Today. Copyright of materials of News Agency Kazakhstan Today.

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