12.11.2024, 11:19 13866

Government considers fire safety measures during heating period

The Government session chaired by Prime Minister Olzhas Bektenov considered the issue of fire safety during the heating period. Minister for Emergency Situations Chingis Arinov reported on preventive work, primeminister.kz reports.

According to the Ministry of Emergency Situations, more than 650 fires in the residential sector have been registered since the beginning of October this year. One of the main reasons is violation of rules of operation of heating systems and electrical appliances. Chingis Arinov reported that in terms of regions the increase in fires is noted in Kostanay region, Kyzylorda region and Abay region.

Prime Minister drew attention to the need to strengthen preventive measures and control over compliance with safety requirements.

About 50% of all fires in the heating period occur due to the faulty condition of cookers and pipes. But the main causes of fires are gross violations of fire safety rules in the operation of cookers and boilers. In this regard, the Ministry for Emergency Situations needs to build a more effective system of response to these violations. I believe that it is not enough just to issue recommendations. It is necessary to work on strengthening the powers of gas technical inspection," Olzhas Bektenov emphasised. Akimats together with the Ministry of Emergency Situations have been instructed to organise a month of fire safety in the residential sector.

Head of the Government has set a task to provide free carbon monoxide detectors for housing of socially vulnerable groups of the population. Such houses should be taken into account and closely monitored, especially in Zhetysu, Akmola, Aktobe regions and Almaty city. Akimats of these regions work in this direction is not carried out effectively enough and the coverage is from 2 to 14%. Olzhas Bektenov instructed to strengthen measures.

It was noted the need to address the issue of withdrawal and disposal of household cylinders, unsuitable for further use. Olzhas Bektenov drew attention to the fact that the control over compliance with the requirements of safe operation of gas equipment assigned to akimats is not carried out at the appropriate level. It is necessary to carry out appropriate explanatory work with the owners of gas filling stations. In addition, Prime Minister instructed the Ministry of Industry together with interested government agencies to take measures to organise the production of cylinders.

At the same time Head of the Government noted the importance of information work to improve the culture of safety of the population. In this regard, the Ministry for Emergency Situations together with the Ministry of Internal Affairs and akimats have been instructed to intensify raids and rounds of the private residential sector. The Ministry of Culture and Information, together with local executive bodies, has been instructed to work on the broadcasting of preventive materials in the mass media and social networks. The Ministry of Emergency Situations has been tasked to ensure effective coordination of interested government agencies and akimats on fire prevention during the heating period.

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