04.06.2024, 19:56 40036

Investment Opportunities of Kazakhstan Presented in Seoul

Investment Opportunities of Kazakhstan Presented in Seoul
Images | Kazakh MFA
A seminar dedicated to the development of bilateral economic cooperation and investment opportunities of Kazakhstan was held in the building of the National Assembly of the Republic of Korea. The event was organized by Caspian Group Korea in cooperation with a number of Korean organizations, press service of the Kazakh MFA reports.

The seminar was attended by deputies of the National Assembly Kim Song Won and Kim Seung Soo, representatives of Korean companies including Samsung, Hyundai, KPMG Korea, KT and CJ.

In his congratulatory speech, Deputy of the National Assembly Kim Song Won stressed the importance of Kazakhstan for Korea, noting the need to create synergy by combining advanced Korean technologies and rich Kazakh natural resources.

While delivering his remarks, Ambassador of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the Republic of Korea, Nurgali Arystanov, acquainted the participants with the prospects for strengthening cooperation between Kazakhstan and Korea. He emphasized the importance of introducing Korean experience in key areas such as industrial development, smart city technologies, healthcare systems, as well as agriculture and smart farms.

The speakers presented in detail the new large-scale Alatau City project, which will serve as a center of attraction for Korean advanced technologies, contributing to the strengthening of bilateral investment cooperation and the development of sustainable urban infrastructure.

This event was a significant step in informing the Korean business community about Kazakhstan's investment opportunities.

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