05.06.2024, 09:44 39051

Kazakhstan and Norway are Developing Cooperation in Green Diplomacy

The Ambassador of Kazakhstan to Norway Adil Tursunov met with the Minister of Climate and Environment of Norway Andreas Bjelland Eriksen, press service of the Kazakh MFA reports.

Adil Tursunov informed the Norwegian minister on Astana’s environmental and climate agenda, as well as about the measures of the Government to reach the goals set by President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev on achieving the Carbon neutrality in Kazakhstan by 2060.

Andreas Bjelland Eriksen praised our country’s policy in the field of environmental protection. At the same time, he noted that Norway is ready to establish cooperation with Kazakhstan in those areas that are of mutual interest to the parties. In this context, the Minister drew particular attention to Oslo’s willingness to share its practices in plastic waste management.

During the conversation, the parties also discussed the status and prospects of "Green Diplomacy" in the global and regional contexts.

Adil Tursunov and Andreas Bjelland Eriksen agreed to continue working contacts in the future.

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