31.05.2023, 15:53 36766

Astana Opera team welcomed the opera house’s choir at the Nursultan Nazarbayev International Airport

Astana Opera team welcomed the opera house’s choir at the Nursultan Nazarbayev International Airport
Images | astanaopera.kz
The Astana Opera team welcomed the opera house’s choir at the Nursultan Nazarbayev International Airport. The collective was returning from Poland after winning first place at the prestigious Hajnówka International Festival, Astana Opera press office reports.

The artists not only led the competition among 9 participating countries, but also gave a grand recital of Kazakh music in the capital of Poland - the city of Warsaw. The Kazakh team impressed the foreign audience so much that the artists were asked to give an extra concert of the music by Kazakh composers. This once again confirms that Kazakh culture has integrated into the global space and today is in demand by the cultural community.

At the International Airport, to the sound of the anthem, with the Kazakh flag, with shashu, bauyrsaqs, flowers, happy artists were greeted by their native team, the opera house management and mass media representatives.

It is significant that the tour was supported by the Ministry of Culture and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

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