13.05.2019, 19:08 9438

Scientific and educational expedition to the Aral Sea kicks off

QazaqGeography jointly with the Nazarbayev University scientists organized a scientific and educational expedition to the Aral Sea. The expedition team left Nur-Sultan on May 12.
QazaqGeography jointly with the Nazarbayev University scientists organized a scientific and educational expedition to the Aral Sea. The expedition team left Nur-Sultan on May 12, QazaqGeography's press service reports.
The 4,000 km long Aral 2019 expedition will run through Nur-Sultan-Arkalyk-Turgai-Irgiz-Bozoi-Southern Aral-Kulandy-Northern Aral-Akespe-Aralsk-Kamystabys-Kokaral dam-Karateren-Kyzylorda-Zhezkazgan-Karaganda-Nur-Sultan. 
This year expedition which will last until May 28 is the third one since 2016. A team of the Nazarbayev University scientists, being a part of the QazaqGeography's expedition, studies hydrological water environment in several parts of the Aral Sea. Until now the scientists reported reducing trend of mean salinity in the Northern Aral which let to make the preliminary conclusion that the ecological situation in the Northern Aral is being improved. 
Besides, the expedition plans to map out tour itineraries across Aral region and collect unique photo and video footage.
The expedition team consists of international and Kazakhstani scientists, travelers and QazaqGeography members.
 This information may not be reproduced without reference to Kazakhstan Today. Copyright of materials of News Agency Kazakhstan Today.
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