27.09.2012, 10:12 18279

Second Asian Grand Prix in archery held in Kazakhstan

As a rule, such international tournaments are held in Japan, China and South Korea. The Kazakhstan Federation of Archery, Crossbow and Darts managed to win the right to host the tournament in Kazakhstan.

Almaty. September 27. Kazakhstan Today - Such major events as the second Asian Grand Prix in archery has been held in Kazakhstan.

According to Caspionet, as a rule, such international tournaments are held in Japan, China and South Korea. The Kazakhstan Federation of Archery, Crossbow and Darts managed to win the right to host the tournament in Kazakhstan.

"Thanks to the fact that we build on the potential of our archers and due to the fact that we are increasing their performance and our federation works and moves forward, we were able to create favorable conditions for such competitions," Almas Murzabekov, President of Kazakhstan Federation of Archery, Crossbow and Darts said.

"The competition involved athletes from nine countries, Kyrgyzstan, Malaysia, Uzbekistan, Hong Kong, South Korea, Taipei and Thailand. The first day saw the first day of registration fire. The competition will end on September 30," he added.

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