17.12.2024, 21:12 248651

Gross agricultural output increased by 13.4% in Kazakhstan

Gross agricultural output increased by 13.4% in Kazakhstan
Deputy Minister of Agriculture Azat Sultanov at the Government session reported that for the first 11 months of this year, the volume of gross agricultural output increased by 13.4% with an annual plan of 11.6% and amounted to 7.8 trillion tenge, primeminister.kz reports.

He noted that this growth was ensured by increasing production in crop production by 19.9%, in livestock production by 3.2%.

In crop production with an average yield of 16.1 centners per hectare threshed 26.7 million tonnes of cereals, including wheat - 19.8 million tonnes, rice - 563 thousand tonnes. Also, 2.9 million tonnes of potatoes, 3.9 million tonnes of vegetables, 3.2 million tonnes of oilseeds and 300 thousand tonnes of cotton were harvested. In the livestock sector, there was an increase in production of meat in slaughter weight by 4%, cow's milk by 4.4% and chicken eggs by 1.2%," Azat Sultanov said.

According to the agency, food production for the first 11 months of this year increased by 2.1% and totalled almost 3 trillion tenge.

There was an increase in the production of such types of import-dependent products as: cheese and cottage cheese by 8.7%, sausages by 4.1%, butter by 2.9% and vegetable oil by 12%.

We see growth in this industry for the rest of the year due to the processing of cereals, oilseeds and sugar production. In order to prevent a slowdown in the growth of the industry next year, the volume of financing of spring field and harvesting work will be brought to 700 billion tenge, preferential leasing of agricultural machinery to 200 billion tenge. It is planned to introduce 1.9 million tonnes of mineral fertilisers and increase the share of elite seeds to 10.5%," Azat Sultanov added.

Deputy Minister stressed that the growth of production in agriculture was ensured due to timely measures taken by the Government on financial and logistical support of field work and favourable climatic conditions.

For the first time the volume of concessional lending for spring field work has increased 3 times and reached a record 580 billion tenge at a net 5% per annum. Thanks to these measures of financial support, along with the high yield obtained, the volume of mineral fertilisers application amounted to 1.2 million tonnes, which exceeds the level of last year by 2 times, and the level of agricultural machinery renewal will be brought to 5.5%.

This year also achieved a record harvest of sugar beet, harvesting of which is at the stage of completion, which will contribute to the growth of gross agricultural output," Azat Sultanov said.

Deputy Minister emphasised that the Ministry of Agriculture is taking all necessary measures to achieve the planned indicators.

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