06.01.2025, 17:18 19016

Flood preparation: Kazakhstan reduces water volumes in key reservoirs

Flood preparation: Kazakhstan reduces water volumes in key reservoirs
Images | Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan
The Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation is preparing for the flood period. As of today, the necessary reservoirs are being released, primeminister.kz reports.

According to the Ministry, the volume of water in the Astana reservoir has been reduced to 83%: from 20 December 2024 to 3 January 2025, almost 5.1 million m3 of water was released from the reservoir. By 1 April 2025, the Ministry plans to reduce the volume of water in the reservoir to 300 million m3, or 73%.

About 51 million m3 of water remains in the Aktobe reservoir. It is planned to reduce this volume to 47.3 million m3 by 1 April. The volume of water in Bitik reservoir in West Kazakhstan province has been reduced to 34.4 million m3. Today, 8.3 m3 of water per second is discharged from the reservoir.

Bukhtarma reservoir in East Kazakhstan region is filled by 79 per cent. By 1 April, the Ministry intends to reduce its water volume by another 8%. In Yntymak reservoir in Karaganda province 69 million m3 of water has been collected. It is planned to release the reservoir up to 39% to receive flood waters in spring.

The volume of water in the Kengir reservoir in the Ulytau region has decreased to 86%. It is planned to release about 11% more before spring. The Upper Tobolsk reservoir in Kostanay region has collected 585.4 million m3 of water. According to the reservoir's operation regime, the water volume is expected to drop to 499.4 million m3, or 61%, by 1 April.

In spring it is very important not only to collect flood waters in reservoirs, but also to direct them to lake systems, natural pastures and meadows. Therefore, it is necessary to plan in advance for competent water allocation. This year the demands of agrarians and other water users were fully satisfied. During the past irrigation period, about 11 billion m3 of water was supplied to the country's farms. In addition, much work has been done to preserve and restore large and small reservoirs," the Minister of Water Resources and Irrigation Nurzhan Nurzhigitov noted.


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