10.11.2023, 11:31 63611

Kazakhstan visa-free regime with China comes into force

Kazakhstan visa-free regime with China comes into force
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The agreement on visa-free regime between the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Government of China entered into force on November 10, 2023, Kazinform News Agency cites the press service of the Kazakh Foreign Ministry.

As per the agreement, Kazakh and Chinese nationals can stay in both countries up to 30 days from the date of crossing the state border and for a total of 90 days in 180 calendar days without visa for private, business, tourism, healthcare and other purposes.

Travelers have to apply for a visa before their entry into Kazakhstan or China if they are planning a more extended stay.

The agreement does not cover Kazakh travelers’ stay in special administrative regions of Macau and Hong Kong. The Kazakh citizens may visit Hong Kong visa-free for a period of 14 days. In order to visit Macau, they need to apply for a visa.

This information may not be reproduced without reference to Kazakhstan Today. Copyright of materials of News Agency Kazakhstan Today.

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