06.03.2025, 17:07 7756

Olzhas Bektenov discusses investment projects in Alatau city with CAMCE head Li Haixin

Within the framework of fulfilment of the Head of State's instruction to strengthen work on attracting investments into the country's economy, the Government has strengthened interaction with business representatives for prompt resolution of existing issues and timely launch of investment projects, primeminister.kz reports.

Today Prime Minister Olzhas Bektenov held a meeting with the President of Chinese company China CAMC Engineering Co., Ltd. (CAMCE) Li Haixin.

China CAMC Engineering Co., Ltd. is a leading international engineering company that implements complex EPC projects in infrastructure, industry and energy development in more than 60 countries and is a member of China's largest state-owned machinery conglomerate Sinomach Group (China National Machinery Industry Corporation).

President of the company Li Haixin voiced a number of proposals on the prospects of investment cooperation in the development of transport, logistics and industrial infrastructure of Alatau city. Attention is paid to cooperation in the development of the ‘Middle Corridor’.

One of the priorities of the Government is to create the most comfortable investment climate. This will help attract foreign direct investment into the real economy and ensure the implementation of important projects for the country, create new jobs. Over the past six years, the volume of foreign direct investment attracted to the country amounted to about $130 billion. At the same time, the measures initiated by the Head of State to increase the attractiveness of non-resource industries are yielding results - foreign investment in the non-resource sector amounted to $72.7 billion, that is, foreign partners began to invest more in the processing industry," Olzhas Bektenov stressed.

As a result of the meeting, the relevant government agencies have been instructed to work out the investment proposal in detail.

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