04.01.2025, 16:06 17451

Olzhas Bektenov: Government to take all necessary measures to fulfil Head of State's instructions

Olzhas Bektenov: Government to take all necessary measures to fulfil Head of State's instructions
Images | primeminister.kz
The Head of the Government visited the pavilion-sphere on the territory of the EXPO and checked the progress of fulfilment of the Head of State's instructions on the development of digital technologies, the introduction of which is a new source of economic growth. Olzhas Bektenov noted that in his programme interview to Ana tili newspaper the President set specific tasks to ensure economic growth and improve the welfare of citizens, primeminister.kz reports.

Magzhan Madiyev, Director General of Astana Hub, reported on the progress in creating a digital hub, the core of which will be the Alem.AI international centre of artificial intelligence. Special attention was paid to the training of domestic personnel for the industry demanded in the labour market, as well as the development of relevant educational content.

The Prime Minister noted the practical benefits of AI development, emphasising that the large-scale implementation of technological solutions, first of all, should have a positive effect on the quality of life of Kazakhstanis.

The Head of State in his interview today set a task for the Government to ensure economic growth and improve the welfare of citizens. We are striving for a self-sufficient economy with developed non-resource industries that will create productive jobs, thereby providing families in all regions of the country with a stable income. Kazakhstan is successfully developing GovTech and the IT sphere, and this should be continued. In general, the digital economy should become one of the significant and dynamic points of growth," Olzhas Bektenov emphasised.

As noted in the interview of the President, the priority tasks of the Government remain to ensure sustainability and efficiency of the economy, dynamic development of the real sector, growth of labour productivity, increase in quality jobs.

The Prime Minister noted that the Government would take all necessary measures to fulfil the instructions of the Head of State, voiced in the interview with Ana tili newspaper.

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