26.11.2024, 18:30 151541

Olzhas Bektenov instructs akims to create digital infrastructure in regions to support IT specialists

The Government session chaired by Prime Minister Olzhas Bektenov considered the issues of development of the digital industry of Kazakhstan, primeminister.kz reports.

The Minister of Digital Development, Innovation and Aerospace Zhaslan Madiyev reported on the work being done to increase the volume of IT exports, improve the security of digital platforms and the implementation of domestic start-ups within the Astana Hub activities, as well as the heads of the IT hub ‘Terricon Valley’ Sabir Niyazov, Arlan BioTech Bolat Sultankulov, ITS Partner Ltd Marat Tastemirov.

Kazakhstan is among the 30 most digitised countries in the world and ranks 8th in terms of online services. In the first half of 2024, exports of IT services grew to $306 million. It is expected that by the end of this year the volume will exceed $600 million. In general, exports have increased 20 times in 5 years. Today, robotisation and artificial intelligence technologies are systematically developing in the country, digital transformation of many spheres continues.

The legislative framework has been formed and is constantly being improved. The Concept of Digital Transformation has been adopted, and favourable economic conditions have been created for the development of the venture capital market and startup ecosystems. More than 1.5 thousand companies are successfully operating on the Astana Hub technopark site, which has become a real innovation cluster and a key partner for many startups. Such breakthrough projects as E-commerce, BigData, GameDev, Fintech, MedTech, etc. have high export potential. Their active development should contribute to the growth of exports of IT products and services to $1 billion by 2026.

Prime Minister noted that the Government would continue to actively support the development of IT-technologies and services. It is necessary to continue the policy of developing regional accelerator programmes and global partner network in other countries.

The Head of State has set the task to bring the contribution of digital technologies to 1% of the economy by 2029 and to achieve at least 80% of the share of local content in IT services. IT hubs and venture capital funds should be the main drivers in achieving this task. Over 6 years, the volume of venture capital financing in Kazakhstan has grown more than 6 times. For further growth, we must attract leading experts in this industry. For this purpose, we need to further develop educational programmes, attract big business and build a competent digital infrastructure. Implementation of tasks on digitalisation, development of IT-industry and cyber security should contribute to the development of the economy," Olzhas Bektenov stressed.

Within the framework of the tasks set by the President on the development of artificial intelligence, active work is underway to improve legislation in this area. Next year, Astana plans to launch the Artificial Intelligence Centre, which should become a point of attraction for young talent. The Ministry of Digitalisation has been instructed to keep this issue under special control.

The priority task today is the training of highly qualified IT specialists. The necessary conditions have been created at the Astana Hub. The Ministries of Digital Development, Science and Higher Education, and Education have been instructed to form a concept for further development and training in close co-operation with Astana Hub and regional hubs. At the same time, the importance of quality rather than quantity of graduates is emphasised. It is also necessary to constantly update the approaches to increase digital knowledge and skills, taking into account the best global practices.

In addition, in order to fully ensure the digital infrastructure in the regions, due attention to these issues by akimats is necessary. The relevant ministry together with regional akimats has been instructed to take measures to develop Astana Hub, support regional hubs and create favourable conditions for the development of export-oriented areas in the IT industry, as well as to update approaches in the venture capital financing system.

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