06.01.2025, 12:13 18466

Olzhas Bektenov presents new akim to Turkestan region on President's order

Olzhas Bektenov presents new akim to Turkestan region on President's order
Images | primeminister.kz
Prime Minister Olzhas Bektenov and Head of the Presidential Administration Aibek Dadebay attended the meeting of deputies of maslikhats of Turkestan region, primeminister.kz reports.

The letter of the Head of State on nomination of two candidates for the post of akim of Turkestan region was read to the deputies. Nuralkhan Kusherov, deputy akim of Turkestan region, and Mukhit Turysbekov, akim of Sozak district, were proposed for consideration. The results of open voting were summarised by the election commission. 224 votes of deputies out of 288 were given in favour of Nuralkhan Kusherov.

According to the results of the meeting of deputies of maslikhats, Nuralhan Kusherov was appointed akim of Turkestan region by the relevant Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

At the meeting with the activists of the region Prime Minister Olzhas Bektenov thanked Darkhan Satybaldy for his contribution to the development of the region and wished him success in his future activities.

The Prime Minister presented the new akim to the region's activists. The tasks set by the Head of State before the leadership of the region were voiced. In light of the goal to strengthen the economy and improve the quality of life of the population, outlined in the interview to the newspaper Ana tili, among the priority directions are noted diversification of the economy and transition to cluster production with the creation of new productive jobs, increasing the investment attractiveness of the FEZ TURAN and the region as a whole, revealing the transport and logistics potential and increasing the development of agro-industrial complex. A number of tasks are set to provide the population with affordable and quality drinking water and stable food prices, modernisation of engineering infrastructure.

Taking into account the historical and spiritual significance of the regional centre of Turkestan, special attention should be paid to the preservation of cultural heritage and strengthening of ties between the brotherly peoples of the Turkic world, as well as the development of the tourism industry.

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