06.01.2025, 11:09 18356

Plans to increase preschool education and training coverage for children from 2 to 6 to 95% in 2025

According to the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, it is planned to increase the coverage of children from 2 to 6 years of age with preschool education and training to 95% in 2025, primeminister.kz reports.

It is planned to expand the network of counselling points for parents of children not attending preschool organisations to 4,245 units to provide methodological support on the care, upbringing and development of preschool children in a family environment. As part of the renovation, 260 state kindergartens will be renovated and equipped. 500,000 children will participate in the "Tilge Boylau" pilot project for immersion in the Kazakh language. In 2025, it is planned to introduce voucher financing of pre-school education and training in all regions of Kazakhstan on the principle of "money for the child".

In secondary education it is planned to introduce 272.8 thousand pupil places; 90% coverage of children with special educational needs with special psychological and pedagogical support and early correction; acquisition of 1 thousand modern subject classrooms for physics, chemistry, biology, robotics, STEM; launch of the project on renovation of 1.3 thousand rural schools.

In the area of technical and vocational education, it is planned to provide 100% coverage of young people with free training in colleges in demanded specialities (9th grade graduates); to increase the target order with the obligation of employment for 10,000 places; to increase the cost of the per capita standard 2 times; to equip and strengthen the material and technical base of 80 colleges, including through private investment; to open 10 mini-enterprises on the basis of colleges.

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