15.06.2023, 17:53 49956

Bereaved families get keys to apartments in Abai region

Bereaved families get keys to apartments in Abai region
Images | gov.kz
Bereaved families of Kazakhstani foresters - victims of wildfires in Abai region received keys to their new apartments in Semey today, Kazinform has learned from local authorities.

All-round support to members of the bereaved families is rendered in line with the instruction of the President of Kazakhstan. Each family will get 7 million tenge and each child will receive 2 million tenge additionally.

Akim (governor) of Abai region Nurlan Urankhayev said local authorities are doing their best to rend a helping hand to the families and constantly monitor the support rendered.

Recall that 14 foresters as well as tractor operator Sergey Arkhipov died while heroically battling the wildfires raging in Abai region last weekend.

The total area of the wildfires stands at around 60,000 ha.

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