26.05.2021, 08:17 17433

COVID Digest: 668 patients in severe condition

31,232 are receiving treatment for the coronavirus infection in Kazakhstan, the Health Ministry of Kazakhstan reports.

Out of the 31,232, 15, in-patient treatment is provided to 11,986 and out-patient treatment to 19,246.

Nationwide, 668 COVID-19 patients are in severe condition and 171 in critical condition. 107 are on artificial lung ventilation.

Notably, the country has reported 1,739 COVID-19 cases in the past 24 hours.

Per day mortality rate from coronavirus in Kazakhstan as of May 26 has been announced, the Health Ministry of Kazakhstan said.
28 people died from coronavirus infection in Kazakhstan in 24 hours. 31,232 people continue treatment for CVI (30,667 CVI + and 565 CVI-), of which 11,986 are hospital patients, and 19,246 are outpatients.
Of the patients with CVI + and CVI-, there are: 668 patients in serious condition, 171 in a state of extreme severity, 107 on a ventilator.
Covid pneumonia incidence
On May 24, 2021, 121 cases of covid pneumonia and 4 deaths were recorded. 40 people have recovered. In total, since August 1, the following have been registered: cases - 54 837, deaths - 893, recoveries - 50 923.
Updates on COVID-19 spread in Kazakhstan as of May 26 were announced, Coronavirus2020.kz reports.
Over the past day in Kazakhstan, 1,739 cases were identified with a positive PCR for coronavirus infection.
Cases by regions:
- Nur-Sultan - 293;
- Almaty - 310;
- Shymkent - 62;
- Akmola region - 130;
- Aktobe region - 36;
- Almaty region - 96;
- Atyrau region - 64;
- East Kazakhstan region - 75;
- Zhambyl region - 21;
- West Kazakhstan region - 87;
- Karaganda region - 319;
- Kostanay region - 40;
- Kyzylorda region - 10;
- Mangystau region - 46;
- Pavlodar region - 87;
- North Kazakhstan region - 39;
- Turkestan region - 24.
In total, 378 311 cases are on record in the country.

Source: Kazinform / Kazpravda.kz

 This information may not be reproduced without reference to Kazakhstan Today. Copyright of materials of News Agency Kazakhstan Today.
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