03.08.2021, 17:07 15590

COVID Digest: Over 1,700 severe patients treated in Kazakhstan

The number of people treated for COVID-19 in Kazakhstan stands at 102,839, the Interdepartmental Commission on prevention of the spread of COVID-19 reports.
Out of the total COVID-19 patients under treatment, 29,138 are treated as in-patients and 73,701 as out-patients.
1,707 COVID-19 patients are in severe condition, 395 in critical condition, and 197 on artificial lung ventilation.
Kazakhstan reports 7,481 daily COVID-19 cases
7,481 fresh cases of the coronavirus infection have been reported in the country in the past 24 hours, coronavirus2020.kz reports.
Almaty and Nur-Sultan cities have reported the four-digit numbers of fresh daily COVID-19 cases - 1,531 and 1,270, respectively. Karaganda region has seen the third highest number of daily infections – 941.
Shymkent city has logged 575 daily infections, Atyrau region – 406, Aktobe region – 356, Almaty region – 311, East Kazakhstan region – 308, Pavlodar region – 292, Kostanay region – 261, Akmola region – 259, Kyzylorda region – 210, Zhambyl region – 196, Mangistau region – 181, North Kazakhstan region – 147, Turkestan region – 122, and West Kazakhstan region – 115.
The country’s total COVID-19 caseload stands at 595,433.
Kazakhstan reports 110 fresh daily COVID-19 deaths
110 people have died of the coronavirus infection in the country in the past 24 hours, the Health Ministry of Kazakhstan said.
Of the total number of daily COVID-19 fatalities, 17 have been reported in Nur-Sultan city, 17 in Shymkent city, 15 in Karaganda region, 12 in Akmola region, and 11 in Almaty city.
Seven have died of the coronavirus infection in West Kazakhstan region, six in Pavlodar region, four in Almaty region, four in Atyrau region, four in Mangistau region, three in Aktobe region, three in Kostanay region, three in Kyzylorda region, two in Turkestan region, and one in Zhambyl region as well as North Kazakhstan region.
Notably, Kazakhstan has reported 16 daily pneumonia deaths.
Source: Kazinform

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