03.08.2021, 17:07 15590
COVID Digest: Over 1,700 severe patients treated in Kazakhstan
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Out of the total COVID-19 patients under treatment, 29,138 are treated as in-patients and 73,701 as out-patients.
1,707 COVID-19 patients are in severe condition, 395 in critical condition, and 197 on artificial lung ventilation.
Kazakhstan reports 7,481 daily COVID-19 cases
7,481 fresh cases of the coronavirus infection have been reported in the country in the past 24 hours, coronavirus2020.kz reports.
Almaty and Nur-Sultan cities have reported the four-digit numbers of fresh daily COVID-19 cases - 1,531 and 1,270, respectively. Karaganda region has seen the third highest number of daily infections – 941.
Shymkent city has logged 575 daily infections, Atyrau region – 406, Aktobe region – 356, Almaty region – 311, East Kazakhstan region – 308, Pavlodar region – 292, Kostanay region – 261, Akmola region – 259, Kyzylorda region – 210, Zhambyl region – 196, Mangistau region – 181, North Kazakhstan region – 147, Turkestan region – 122, and West Kazakhstan region – 115.
The country’s total COVID-19 caseload stands at 595,433.
Kazakhstan reports 110 fresh daily COVID-19 deaths
110 people have died of the coronavirus infection in the country in the past 24 hours, the Health Ministry of Kazakhstan said.
Of the total number of daily COVID-19 fatalities, 17 have been reported in Nur-Sultan city, 17 in Shymkent city, 15 in Karaganda region, 12 in Akmola region, and 11 in Almaty city.
Seven have died of the coronavirus infection in West Kazakhstan region, six in Pavlodar region, four in Almaty region, four in Atyrau region, four in Mangistau region, three in Aktobe region, three in Kostanay region, three in Kyzylorda region, two in Turkestan region, and one in Zhambyl region as well as North Kazakhstan region.
Notably, Kazakhstan has reported 16 daily pneumonia deaths.
Source: Kazinform
This information may not be reproduced without reference to Kazakhstan Today. Copyright of materials of News Agency Kazakhstan Today.
relevant news
11.11.2024, 19:25 74606
Over 200 road accidents occurred in Astana last weekend
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More than 200 road accidents have been registered in Astana last weekend, caused mainly by the deterioration of weather conditions, Kazinform News Agency reports.
Police urge drivers to take precautions and stay focused on the roads as much as possible, to observe speed limits and keep a safe distance. The drivers are recommended to reduce speed when approaching the road intersections, pedestrian crossings, public transport stops, and avoid abrupt maneuvers.
Pedestrians were also urged to strictly adhere to the traffic regulations.
Heavy snowfall and blizzard hit Astana on November 11, with wind speed increasing to 9-14 meters per second.
This information may not be reproduced without reference to Kazakhstan Today. Copyright of materials of News Agency Kazakhstan Today.
08.11.2024, 21:23 55416
Kazakhstan eyes scientific restoration of 33 monuments this year
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A monitoring of the condition of its historic and cultural objects, with funds being provided from local and republican budgets to preserve monuments and mausoleums as well as their scientific restoration, is set to be conducted in Kazakhstan, Kazinform News Agency reports.
According to the Kazakh Culture and Information Ministry, Kazakhstan is home to over 25,000 historic and cultural heritage facilities. Of these, up to 12,000 are included in the State list of monuments of history and culture of republican and local significance, whereas around 13,000 are among historic and cultural heritage facilities. These are the new historic and cultural heritage facilities, that are yet to be studied.
To note, historic and cultural heritage facilities include monuments, mausoleums, statues and historic and cultural complexes.
This year, scientific restoration of 33 monuments, of which nine are mausoleums, including mausoleums of Khoja Ahmed Yasawi, Asan-ata, Okshy-ata, Shokai Datka, Suinbay Aronuly, Syrlytam and Zhusip-ata, have been approved at the expense of the republican budget, the ministry added.
This information may not be reproduced without reference to Kazakhstan Today. Copyright of materials of News Agency Kazakhstan Today.
07.11.2024, 16:09 56251
12 flights delayed in Astana due to bad weather
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Astana International Airport announced the delay of several flights due to monster wind pounding the Kazakh capital, Kazinform News Agency reports.
Earlier this morning, 6 out of 80 departing flights and 6 out of 82 arriving flights have been delayed.
The following outbound flights have been delayed:
- FZ1304 Astana - Dubai
- TK357 Astana - Istanbul
- IQ353 Astana - Atyrau
- IQ437 Astana - Petropavlovsk
- KC7365 Astana - Oral
- DV479 Astana - Sanya
Four flights have been delayed due to unfavorable weather conditions in Astana.
The following inbound flights have been delayed:
- KC621 Almaty - Astana
- KC7316 Kyzylorda - Astana
- DV742 Aktau - Astana
- IQ354 Almaty - Astana
- KC7366 Oral - Astana
- IQ353 Almaty - Astana
One can find details about the status of flights and possible changes in the schedule on the official website of the Astana International Airport www.nn-airport.kz or contact a 24-hour call-center 8 (7172) 702-999.
Flight operations at the Astana International Airport have been disrupted due to adverse weather conditions, including strong winds and snowstorms since November 6.
This information may not be reproduced without reference to Kazakhstan Today. Copyright of materials of News Agency Kazakhstan Today.
18.10.2024, 14:35 116171
Over 40 kulans transported to Ile-Balkhash Reserve to restore species' population
Images | Depositphotos
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The Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in cooperation with the UN Development Programme (UNDP), has successfully completed the next stage of the kulan reintroduction as part of the Turan tiger habitat restoration initiative. This month, more than 40 kulans were transported from Altyn Emel National Park to the Ile-Balkhash Reserve. In 2022, as part of this initiative, the first 60 kulans were relocated and successfully adapted to their new environment, Kazinform News Agency cites the UNDP Kazakhstan press service.
The kulan disappeared from Kazakhstan in the 1930s. To restore the population of this species, a long-term reintroduction project was implemented in several stages. Between 1953 and 1961, 14 kulans were transported to Barsa-Kelmes Island from the Badkhyz Nature Reserve in Turkmenistan. When their population on the island reached 200, the next stage-moving them to the mainland-began. This is how the kulans ended up in Altyn Emel National Park, where the restored population has become one of the most successful cases in the world regarding the reintroduction of wild odd-toed ungulates and currently represents the largest free-ranging population of kulans.
Today, in South Balkhash, the initiative to reintroduce the Turan tiger is being implemented within the territory of the Ile-Balkhash State Nature Reserve. In this context, extensive efforts are being made to create its food base, including the kulan reintroduction. The project is being implemented by UNDP and the Committee for Forestry and Wildlife of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources. As part of the project, in 2022, 60 kulans were transported.
The reintroduction of kulans from Altyn Emel State National Park to the Ile-Balkhash and Altyn Dala reserves is another step in the efforts of the Committee for the Conservation and Restoration of Biodiversity. The clear implementation of all scheduled action plans for the reintroduction of rare animal species, along with the support of our partners-UNDP and the Kazakhstan Association for the Conservation of Biodiversity-creates a robust basis for future environmental initiatives and the country’s achievements in restoring the ecosystem and returning lost biodiversity," noted Daniyar Turgambayev, Chairman of the Committee for Forestry and Wildlife of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Reintroduction is not only a process of transportation but also involves diligent post-relocation care and monitoring of the animals. The Ile-Balkhash State Nature Reserve aims to provide care and feeding for the transported kulans for the next six months before they are released into the wild. In addition, as part of this initiative, three kulans were tagged with telemetry to further study their behavior in the wild.
We are proud that Kazakhstan is becoming an example of successful reintroduction of species on the brink of extinction. It requires joint efforts and accountability from all participants in the process, and we are pleased to cooperate with the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan to achieve our common goal-restoration and conservation of the country's unique biological diversity," said Katarzyna Wawiernia, UNDP Resident Representative in Kazakhstan.
This information may not be reproduced without reference to Kazakhstan Today. Copyright of materials of News Agency Kazakhstan Today.
25.09.2024, 09:07 169661
By Government decision, Khoja Ahmed Yassawi's mausoleum been placed under state protection
Images | primeminister.kz
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Museum-reserve "Aziret Sultan" from now on will be under state protection. The corresponding decree was signed by the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan Olzhas Bektenov, primeminister.kz reports.
The famous historical monument mausoleum of Khoja Ahmed Yassaui is the first Kazakhstani site included in the UNESCO World Heritage List and belongs to the unique monuments of medieval architecture.
Taking into account its significance and historical and cultural value, as well as in order to ensure its safety, the Government adopted a resolution to include the museum-reserve ‘Әziret Sultan’ in the list of objects subject to state protection.
According to the document, the security of the object will be ensured by the relevant departments of the internal affairs bodies.
As is known, the mausoleum was erected on the burial place of the Turkic poet and founder of the Sufi order of Yassawiya Khodja Ahmed Yassawi in the city of Turkestan.
The mausoleum consists of eight rooms, which are arranged around the central, largest in the complex hall Kazandyk.
In the period from 1385 to 1405, a complex of structures was built around the mausoleum and now the museum-reserve includes a mosque, palace halls big and small aksarai, a library (kitabkhana) and an economic complex, which includes a well house (kudukkhana), kitchen (askhana), living quarters (hujra) and others.
This information may not be reproduced without reference to Kazakhstan Today. Copyright of materials of News Agency Kazakhstan Today.
20.09.2024, 09:22 184721
Acute respiratory viral infections on the rise in Kazakh capital
Images | unsplash.com
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7,100 ARVI cases were recorded in the Kazakh capital over the past week that is 19.5% or 1.2 times more compared the same period of the previous year, deputy head of the Astana sanitary and epidemiological control department Zhanna Praliyeva told a briefing, Kazinform News Agency reports.
She said the results of the 37th week of laboratory research claimed that no flu or COVID-19 cases were detected in patients. It revealed non-influenza respiratory viruses, such as parainfluenza virus type 4 and mixed infection. 173 pregnant women, 3,709 children under 14 years old, and 255 babies under 12 months old were diagnosed with acute respiratory viral infection.
Flu vaccination of high-risk groups, including health workers, children, and elderly people began on September 18. The vaccination campaign is rolled out at 44 healthcare facilities. It takes 14 days after vaccination before an immune response develops and remains for around a year.
Zhanna Praliyeva urged all to wash their hands, cover their cough, minimize close contact with people who may have influenza, wear masks in public places, and avoid crowded places.
This information may not be reproduced without reference to Kazakhstan Today. Copyright of materials of News Agency Kazakhstan Today.
13.09.2024, 18:00 209151
Astana hosts closing ceremony of 5th World Nomad Games
Images | worldnomadgames.kz
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The closing ceremony of the 5th World Nomad Games featuring a musical performance and words of congratulations from World Ethnosport Confederation President Bilal Erdoğan and Kazakh Sport and Tourism Minister Yerbol Myrzabossynov took place in the Kazakh capital of Astana, Kazinform News Agency correspondent reports.
World Ethnosport Confederation President Bilal Erdoğan shared that during the five days of the Games he had seen the performances of around 2,500 athletes from 89 countries. The World Nomad Games presented the history and worldview of nomads, a mixture of fascinating sport and entertaining show.
This historic organization demonstrates the world that Kazakhstan has big ambitions to institutionalize traditional sports around the world. Attracting attention on all levels, these historic games show our rich cultural heritage, as was witnessed by the opening ceremony, choice of places, sports facilities and cultural events in great detail. The World Nomad Games, held under FIPS rules, once again proved that our traditional sports are not simply competitions, he said.
Bilal Erdoğan highlighted that the Games are the means for establishing friendship, solidarity and brotherhood. Athletes brought together by the Games remind of the importance of collaboration and sharing a common culture.
For myself, the irreplaceable support of Kassym-Jomart Tokayev in holding the Games became one of the key factors of such success. I’d like to take this opportunity to thank the President and the entire team, that devoted itself to the holding of the Nomad Games. Each contributed to this sports festival as well as to the history, said Bilal Erdoğan.
This information may not be reproduced without reference to Kazakhstan Today. Copyright of materials of News Agency Kazakhstan Today.
13.09.2024, 16:53 208956
Kazakhstan tops medal standings at end of 5th World Nomad Games
Images | worldnomadgames.kz
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Team Kazakhstan added 25 more medals at the 5th World Nomad Games to bring their total medal count to 114, including 44 gold, 33 silver and 37 bronze ones, before the tournament wraps up, Kazinform News Agency correspondent reports.
Team Kazakhstan was represented by a total of 216 athletes in 21 sports at the 5th World Nomad Games.
On Day Six of the Games, Team Kazakhstan won 25 medals, including 11 gold, nine silver and nine bronze medals.
Today, Bakyt Tolay brought Team Kazakhstan a gold medal in the Zheti kut stage in the Tenge ilu event.
Kazakhstan’s eagle hunter Serikbek Kuntugan claimed gold in the Kusbegilik final.
Team Kazakhstan won two gold and two bronze medals in the Mangala (Turkish traditional intellectual game) event, with Kundyz Yessipkep claiming the women’s gold and Aigerim Kuanyshbekova - bronze. Bigali Zkiryayev claimed a gold medal in the men’s Mangala event and Azamat Kaidarov - a bronze medal.
Kazakhstan ended up with a silver medal in the Ordo event (Kyrgyz national game). Coming in first was Team Kyrgyzstan. Tajikistan was placed third.
Kazakhstan swept the podium in the Kunan baige at the Games, with Amir Serik winning gold, Ansar Arysstanbek hauling silver and Dilnur Nurmukash settling for bronze.
Ansar Arysstanbek brought Team Kazakhstan a gold medal in the Alaman baige event. Coming in second was Khamza Amanfeldy of Kazakhstan. Kyrgyzstan’s Nurel Elessov was placed third.
Kazakhstan’s Serzhan Baktybay won gold in the Top Baige event. Arnat Muratkhan and Zhanbolat Marden of Kazahstan claimed second and third places, respectively.
This information may not be reproduced without reference to Kazakhstan Today. Copyright of materials of News Agency Kazakhstan Today.
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