18.06.2023, 15:56 34671

Health workers' work hard, but noble

Health workers' work hard, but noble

Clinics and recreational facilities subordinate to the Medical Centre of the Department of Presidential Affairs of Kazakhstan make their significant contributions to the development of the country’s healthcare, raising treatment and rehabilitation standards, and implementing high technologies," head of the Department of Presidential Affairs of Kazakhstan Aibek Dadebayev said.

He congratulated the health workers on their professional holiday. He stressed that health workers' work hard, but noble as they save people’s lives. There are some 3,000 health workers working in the Department of Presidential Affairs. Clinics and recreational facilities subordinate to the Medical Centre of the Department of Presidential Affairs of Kazakhstan make their significant contributions to the development of the country’s healthcare, raising treatment and rehabilitation standards, and implementing high technologies.

Dadebayev noted last year a new 200-bed unit and nuclear medicine centre opened. Another highlight is that the centre produced two new radiopharmaceuticals necessary to detect cancer. The third imaging agent will be produced soon.

In his post on Telegram Channel he wished all health workers wellbeing, prosperity, joy and happiness.

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